High School Scholarship Application

Please apply by filling out the details below.

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Please Read These Instructions Carefully

ONELIFE AFRICA Scholarship and mentorship is a competitive program That exists to provide education scholarships to bright but needy students, mentor them through life decisions and equip them to serve Christ in their communities.
Applicants should fill in the application form for consideration.
The information provided in this form is intended to help Onelife Africa to analyze the applicant’s academic performance, review financial position, and evaluate leadership potential for the purpose of assessment for scholarship/award. All fields with an asterisk (*) are mandatory fields and must be filled accordingly. This application form must be filled accurately, honestly, and completely. OneLife Africa will only review complete applications.  


Please review the following documents and have soft/scanned copies(in jpeg,png or pdf format)  for ease of completing the online application form:
  • A copy of K.C.P.E Certificate or Results Slip
  • Copy of Parents ID or Guardian
  • Copy of Death Certificate (if father/mother deceased).
This form is not a guarantee for Sponsorship. Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for interviews. Any false statements, omissions, or forged documents will lead to automatic disqualification.  

Personal Information

Upload your Result Slip And Birth Certificate

Maximum size 10MB. PDF, JPEG, PNG only please

Maximum size 10MB. PDF, JPEG, PNG only please

Fathers' Information

Documents Upload

Mothers' Information

Guardians' Information

OneLife Africa Privacy Notice

Please Read Our Terms And Condition Carefully

OneLife Africa Mentorship Program – Privacy Notice OneLife Africa administers both manual and computerized record-keeping system that captures information about everyone who is applying or is enrolled in our programs, including their family & personal needs. The information helps us better organize, support & deliver helpful services to the applicants, enrolled students and their families.  Our goal is to maintain and provide accurate information on a need-to-know basis.  Information you provide can play an important role, including:
  • Helping us prioritize, plan and provide meaningful services to you and your family;
  • Assist our organization to improve its work with at-risk young people and their families;
  • Allow local and international agencies to work better together to serve the vulnarable;
  • Provide statistics for local, regional, national and international policymakers to set strategic goals.


  • OneLife Africa will keep both manual and electronic records of your program involvement and progress.
  • Most of your information will be kept confidential and only shared with partner organizations on a need-to-know basis. The information the agency will share consists of basic demographic data including your name, date of birth, permanent address, Identity number (optional), photographs/video footage, stories, gender, and family status.


OneLife Africa will always strive to make sure that your information is kept safe and secure by:
  • Ensuring  that all the electronic and  computer programs we use have  the highest degree of security protection available;
  • Any private information we have about you, such as your address and identification number is viewed only by people working to provide services to you and will be removed before reports are issued to local, national, and international governmental agencies.
  • Ensuring that all OneLife Africa employees/volunteers handling your information receive training in privacy protection and agree to follow guidelines before using the system.


As a parent, guardian or mentee receiving services from OneLife Africa, by request you can:
  1. Access your record: Through a written request, we will allow you access to your OneLife Africa record in not more than 21 business days.  We will prepare a report of your records or assist you in viewing and reviewing them.
  2. Correct your record: We welcome regular corrections/update to your record so that information is up to date, accurate and ensures honesty in its use.
  3. Refuse consent: You have a choice to refuse consent. You cannot be denied services that you would otherwise qualify for if you refuse to sign the OneLife Africa general consent form. Please note that if you refuse OneLife Africa consent, your information will still be entered into the system for statistical purposes, but all of your information will be closed so that no other partner organizations will have access to it.
  4. Withdraw the Release of Information: You can withdraw this agreement at any time upon written request. Please note that all existing promotional materials with your profile may not be modified.
  5. Grievance: We are available to listen to you if you feel that you have been unjustly served, put at personal risk, or harmed in any way. Employees/volunteers of OneLife Africa that misuse information or betray your trust are subject to reprimand, warnings, and summarily dismissal.